Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 7: 9/27-10/2

Mon: Quiz will be Thursday on vocab from "The Sniper," "The Necklace," "The Interlopers," and 24 Greek roots. Greek roots 13-24 were reviewed in class today.

Additionally, outside reading choices are to be brought in on Friday.

Tues: Autobiographical writing assignment was given. Class reviewed pp. 66-70 in Holt Anthology. There is a separate post which deals with the assignment. Also, class copied 2 quotes from "The Sniper" which they felt "mattered," and wrote explanations.

Wednesday: Theme was defined; Students were introduced to "how to write theme statements"; Class compared American attitudes toward war with Liam O'Flaherty's attitude toward war; some classes wrote conclusions to the story "The Sniper"; Finally, all classes checked out Of Mice and Men from the bookroom.

Thursday: Vocab Quiz #3 today. After, students practiced writing introductory paragraphs for their autobiographical narrative papers. From the point of view of the protagonist in "The Sniper," students wrote the introduction focusing on a key word.

Friday: Students brought outside reading choices for check-in. Also, we discussed and practiced the 6 English verb tenses. (Holt Handbook, pp. 160 exs. 4 and 5)

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